Thursday, September 26, 2013

Final report

GSoC is now finished.
Here is a summary of the deliverables:
  • pysoy: fixed compilation problems
  • websoy: fixed compilation problems
  • websoy: fixes to bootstrap script
  • sweetsoy: support for touch on-screen-controllers (xml configuration)
  • sweetsoy: added a testing suite
  • sweetsoy: adjusts to buddy menu, auto-away
  • sweetsoy: (was mostly done already) android alerts, setting screen, USB controller support
things left undone:
  • sweetsoy: custom game icons/metadata
  • websoy/libsoy: didnt make much progress beyond getting websoy to work again

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week 9-11 update

I've finished on screen controller assignment.
With 1,5 weeks left of gsoc I think I will focus on improving on the game icons and usb controllers tasks where I can.
I don't think there's enough time go back to Websoy tasks as I didn't make much progress with that earlier.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 7-8 update

I completed box  button support for on screen controllers.
You define your controller in an xml file and then test for button press  events in your code.
There's no support for rendering for the controller yet nor support for circle buttons or stick controllers yet.
So I'll work those next.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sweetsoy: on screen controls update

I've been working on impelemting on screen controllers for sweetsoy, starting with simple box buttons. Later on, I'd like to add support for analog stick type buttons as well.
On screen controllers are created by creating an xml configuration files which get parsed by Sweetsoy. The parsering is mostly done now.
I'll provide a more detailed post later on.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Websoy update

I finally managed to get websoy plugin working. In the end there, there wasn't much broken in it besides out-dated build file. I just couldn't get my browser to detect at first and then failed to get my http server to serve correct mime types (had to use a work around for now).

I'm trying to figure out next why the plugin keeps crashing once in a while and focus on implementing plugin settings dialog (similar to the the android one).

Firefox still complains about missing plugin because of wrong mime type

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 1-2 update

On the first week, I worked on sweetsoy's the buddylist and on-screen controllers a bit before deciding to shift focus to websoy after Arc's suggestion.
Unfortunately, I got sick last tuesday and didn't get much done after that.
I did manage to get websoy compiling again tough, and will be continuing its development this week now that I'm starting to feel better.

Monday, June 17, 2013

GSoC coding started

GSoC coding phase has started.
I will begin start by working with androidy things.
Just trying to get to know android better right now since I have little previous experience with it.
Updates will be written on this blog.

(Original) project plan is available at: