Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Websoy update

I finally managed to get websoy plugin working. In the end there, there wasn't much broken in it besides out-dated build file. I just couldn't get my browser to detect at first and then failed to get my http server to serve correct mime types (had to use a work around for now).

I'm trying to figure out next why the plugin keeps crashing once in a while and focus on implementing plugin settings dialog (similar to the the android one).

Firefox still complains about missing plugin because of wrong mime type

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 1-2 update

On the first week, I worked on sweetsoy's the buddylist and on-screen controllers a bit before deciding to shift focus to websoy after Arc's suggestion.
Unfortunately, I got sick last tuesday and didn't get much done after that.
I did manage to get websoy compiling again tough, and will be continuing its development this week now that I'm starting to feel better.